12 October 2010

The Bhance Network

I have been working like crazy the past week or so, and going to interviews ( We will talk about it later!)

Even though there is so much more to share with you I wanted to show that I am now a member of Behance Network.

I really enjoy how they have set this entire site up and how much it encompasses. Behance is a great creative resource professionally. I have already come across so many talented people. I would definitely suggest getting in to it. I have been an avid member of Coroflot for some time now and I am starting to prefer Behance much more. There is so much that they offer you. Though they do not hold a candle to Coroflots job postings. ( I will always remain faithful to Coroflot. :)

They have an ever updating gallery which I love to check out: 

Here are some shots from my profile:

It is fully customizable - I am still fiddiling with the settings. 

Come follow me! Or just check it out!

href ="http://www.behance.net/cassandracappello" target ="_blank" style = "width:184px !important; height:30px !important; background-image:url(http://assets.behance.net//img/portfolio/black/thin.jpg?cb=294877939) !important; -webkit-border-radius:4px !important; -moz-border-radius:4px !important; -o-border-radius:4px !important; border-radius:4px !important; text-decoration:none !important; display:block !important;">

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