21 January 2010

Lecture: Mikey Burton

Tonight a few friends and I went to OSU for the monthly CSCA (Columbus Society of Communication Arts). Mikey Burton was speaking there about his work and technique of his 'Midwesterny' design style.

When I heard about it I looked in to his work and at his site. I had to laugh a little bit because large chunk of his work was already sitting in my graphics and branding reference folder on my computer!!!!!

He began with band posters and has moved on to great graphic design, and branding. He loves letterpress and is amazing with silk screening.

He was great! Really engaging and really funny. Gave a great presentation and of course amazing work! His thesis for Kent State was my favorite things that he has done. He redesigned and packaged some classic books for kids! What was great especially was that he had photographed his ideation and shared that with us as well! It was so nice to see his thought process and experiments with type and layouts! ( no one gets it right the first time around!)

He has such a great style! It was really inspiring! I highly recommend it!

Thank you very much for heading out our way!

Mikey Burton

He is great! Check his site out!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is exciting! I am glad you took the time to do this! I have see his work also but didn't know who it was!
Thanks-this is great inspiration for me too!