02 February 2010

Can I have the envelope please....

Today was the announcement of the IDSA Merit awards Winners. ( well for stage one)

I HAVE MADE IT IN TO THE TOP THREE SPOTS it to represent CCAD in April as did Shawn Fortner and Dustin Sweeney. The three of us are very proud of each other and can not wait to show OSU up in the coming weeks.

I am so excited! This is what I was trying for for three years and I got it!

Congrats guys! We did it!

Here is some of their work here




Rachel Dangerfield said...

Congratulations Cassandra! Lots of hard work and talent :)

You deserved it!

Joan DeMartin said...

Way to go! Congrats to Cassandra, Dustin and Shawn!!!

Eric Alessandrini said...

CONGRATS!!! (to you and Shawn and Dustin of course) Does this mean you have more free time to hang out now!?... lol, i'm just kidding. I know that free time is a myth.

Cassandra Cappello said...

Thank you all very much! From now till April I will busting my butt but I am so excited.

And Eric we will see each other! I miss you so